juz a sum up of wat i did recently since all of us were so busy wif our "last minute" holidaying lol?
sports like maniac as if all so kiasu that our body will rot in no time, and trying to stay on shape or to "shape a shape". yamchar day n nite, as in afternoon tea n supper as if we will never see each other for quite some time, ( kinda true ) , chasing dramas over dramas ( especially korean ones ^^ ), and having CS more often than Dota since my elder brudder came back home with a new router, n now 3 of us are having much fun everyday, in short CS binds us together? lol.
wat's next? i duno but it does smell good.
last sem is happening. n it's happening very soon. working life is at the verge but i'm stil no ready for it. shud i get master instead? *enlighten me plzzz*
The Lord is just, he is my rock
1 week ago
4 Comment(s):
I'm thinking this also.
Then the conclusion is..
Holiday first!
work first? if u have the opportunity to get a decent job. After few years you can continue ur master in the area of interest (which u hv confirmed from ur job position), who knows u can get sponsor from ur company for master degree :P
if can get decent job la,
coz da time we grad, gonna be da worst economic period. so i opt to take master if were given chances.
Now the gov will sponsor us to continue master. All seniors tells now many company is 裁员, haha!
I told you before? Beh gi liao..
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